Ruffwear Swamp Cooler Vest

Ruffwear Swamp Cooler Vest
As many of you may know, the summer’s heat can really scorch your outdoor activities. What happens when you play in the heat? You sweat! Unfortunately, dogs do not cool down easily like humans. This leaves our furry friends at high risk of overheating when working outside. Overheating for dogs can lead to heart failure, heat stroke, and death. Yikes! If you’re like me, the spring and summer is the time to stay active and enjoy the sun…with your dog! So what do you do?
With the risk of the hot summer heat with your dog, there is an easy and simple solution! Ruffwear is a fantastic company for hiking, camping, and outdoor activities. On hot days, there is one particular Ruffwear item that I never leave the house without - the Ruffwear Swamp Cooler – a dog cooling vest!
Now you may be thinking, “I put something on my dog to keep him cool?!” The answer…yes. You simply soak the vest in cool water, wring it out, and put on your furry friend. The light colored vest reflects the sun’s damaging rays and the evaporative technology keeps your dog at a safe and cool temperature. As the water transitions from the liquid to vapor phase, it offers cooling features just like a human’s natural cooling system. Fitting the vest to your dog is easy with their heavy-duty locking buckles and handy Ruffwear sizing guide online.
How long does the vest stay wet? This all depends on the direct sun that day, how much water is applied, and how long you are staying outdoors. I rated this vest “5 out of 5 paws” because even though this will not withstand an 8 hour day in direct heat, it does the most important thing…keeping your dog SAFE from heat stroke. I find that 3 hours in direct sunlight is the lifespan until I need to apply more water to the vest. It is important to be aware of the hydration of the vest and check regularly. On our longer hikes, I would regularly pour water from my Camelbak or water bottle onto the vest and lightly wring out the sides.
This vest is a must-have for the active, dog-loving outdoor enthusiast that likes to stay busy in the heat. It will provide comfort and safety against heat stroke - a leading killer of dogs during the summertime. It is machine washable, soft, and very durable for rough housing puppies. Be sure to check out all of Ruffwear’s gear online if you’re looking for hardy and durable gear.
Source: www.Ruffwear.com